FEAST Mountain Bike Activity



FEAST is open to all children and young people in North Yorkshire, and is free to eligible families. https://northyorkshiretogether.co.uk/feast/

Eligible families receive information about FEAST and a voucher to book their free place via their school. If you’re registered for benefits-related Free School Meals and don’t have your voucher, please contact your school.

This is an offsite Mountain Bike activity suitable for older children that are confident on their bikes. We will be following the blue route at Hamsterley Forest. This is a whole day activity so please book on for both sessions on the date.

Clothing MUST be suitable for the weather and biking, no jeans, walking boots or inappropriate footwear, trainers are perfect. Lots of thin multiple layers, including water proof coat/trousers, full finger gloves and water bottle are essential. If you are bringing your own bike it must be in good working order appropriate size and suitable for off road conditions. Helmet wearing is compulsory. Helmets must be less than 5 years old, fit correctly and with no cracks or significant denting. Mountain Bikes and helmets are available to loan but must be booked. Booking is completed via the  HolidayActivities.com